Service Area

The population of the community of Hovland, MN is approximately 200.
The population density is 2 people per square mile.
Households – 115

The most significant and only major highway found within the Hovland district is Minnesota State Highway 61, which is a two-lane paved highway generally running east and west through the district for approximately miles.

The 147 square mile service area for the department extends basically from the Reservation River Road on the east, to the Brule River on the west, which is next to Judge Magney State Park. From Highway 61 on the south, the service area extends north to the Canadian border.

The primary businesses within the district include:
The Naniboujou Lodge – seasonal for the public, but residentially occupied year-round.
Chicago Bay Market Place – year round
Judge C R Magney State Park – immediately adjacent to the district

These businesses are all located along Highway 61.

There is no “heavy industry” located within the district. There are no buried pipelines, or railroad tracks found within the district either. And there is no Storage of “large” quantities of hazardous materials.

The terrain within the district can vary significantly depending upon where you are located, but it can generally can be defined as “boreal forest.” Most of the district is “wooded” with homes scattered and located among forested areas.

Other than Minnesota State Highway 61 and small sections of the Arrowhead Trail, roadways within the district are gravel and are maintained by the Cook County Highway Department.

The adjacent fire districts to Hovland district are the Grand Portage Reservation district to the East, and the Colvill district to the West.